Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model (DLEM)


The DLEM is a terrestrial ecosystem model that couples major biogeochemical cycles, hydrological cyle, and vegetation dynamics to estimate daily carbon, nitrogen and water fluxes and pool sizes.

Components of DLEM

Plant Physiology
Soil Biogeochemistry
Dynamic Vegetation
Land Use & Management

Versions of DLEM

DLEM 1.0
DLEM 2.0
DLEM 3.0

Dynamic Vegetation

The dynamic vegetation component in DLEM simulates two kinds of processes: the biogeographical redistribution when climate changes, and the plant competition and succession during vegetation recovery after disturbances. Like most DGVMs (Dynamic Global Vegetation Models), DLEM builds on the concept of PFT (Plant Functional Type) to describe vegetation distributions.

Last modified: Jun 23, 2023 @ 3:20 am