Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model (DLEM)
The DLEM is a terrestrial ecosystem model that couples major biogeochemical cycles, hydrological cyle, and vegetation dynamics to estimate daily carbon, nitrogen and water fluxes and pool sizes.
Components of DLEM
Plant Physiology
Soil Biogeochemistry
Dynamic Vegetation
Land Use & Management
Versions of DLEM
Model Description
The DLEM is a highly-integrated process based ecosystem model that aims at simulating the structural and functional dynamics of land ecosystems affected by multiple factors including climate, atmospheric compositions (CO2, nitrogen deposition, and tropospheric ozone), land use and land cover change, and land management practices (harvest, rotation, fertilization etc). The DLEM has five core components: 1) biophysics, 2) plant physiology, 3) soil biogeochemistry, 4) dynamic vegetation, and 5) land use and management. The model operates at a daily time step with spatially explicit information on climate, vegetation and soils to provide estimates of carbon, nitrogen and water fluxes and pools of terrestrial ecosystem from site to regional to global scales.
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