02-18-2025 | 15:30-17:00 | CFWE1101 | Transformative Change and Global Sustainability | Dr. Arun Agrawal (Dr. Li An) |
12-06-2024 | 13:00-14:00 | CFWE1223 | Integrated Photonics for Sensing, Interconnects and Computing with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications | Dr. Ray T. Chen (Dr. Li An) |
11-01-2024 | 13:00-14:00 | CFWE1223 | Addressing Climate Resilience through AI-improved Hydroclimate Observations, Predictions, and Impact Assessment
| Dr. Di Tian (Dr. Li An) |
10-04-2024 | 13:00-14:00 | CFWE3315 | Machine Learning for Spatiotemporal Interpolation/Extrapolation | Dr. Zutao Yang (Dr. Li An) |
09-04-2024 | 11:00-12:15 | CFWE2217 | Agent-based land change modeling: Considering the impact of landscape visibility | Dr. Wenwu Tang (Dr. Li An) |
08-30-2024 | 13:00-14:00 | CFWE3315 | Automatic Detection of Wildlife Animals from UAV Thermal Imagery using a You-Look-Twice (YLT) Deep Learning Model
| Dr. Fang Qiu (Dr. Li An) |
03-27-2024 | 11:00-12:30 | CFWE2217 | Implications of Vegetation and Climate Interactions on Carbon Sequestration and Freshwater Supply | Dr. Conghe Song (Dr. Li An) |
03-27-2024 | 15:00-16:15 | CFWE3315 | Mechanisms of Forest Policies Influence Land-Cover and Land-Use Change | Dr. Conghe Song (Dr. Li An) |