Below is a list of core courses that align well with the mission of ICCGCR. We recommend students with interest in this research frontier consider these courses. Affiliated faculty are encouraged to develop new courses that facilitate advances in climate and global change research.
NATR 4970/7970 —– Python Programming for the Environment
FORY 7210 —– Ecosystem Ecology
FORY 8970 —– Global Biogeochemical Cycle
FORY 7970 —— Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis
FORY 7930 —— Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Ecosystems
FORY 8970 —— Advanced Biogeochemical/Ecosystem Modeling
FORY 8930 —— Frontiers in Global Change Ecology
FORY 7970 —— The Art of Interdisciplinary Research in Global Change and Earth System
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